❤ How to BOOST your self-confidence!

Hello Beautiful YOU,


Today I want to talk about a subject that I get asked a lot of: Self-confidence!
 People always ask me, “Vanessa, how did you get to be so self-confident?” I understand that I may appear to be very confident. I have performed in front of thousands, appeared on National TV such as CNN and Fox, made movies and videos and taught thousands of classes. But the truth is I grew up extremely shy and to some degree I am still shy. In my case, my shyness was, no doubt, linked to a lack of self-confidence. 
Is self-confidence holding back your success? If you have days or even years when you feel you lack confidence, please know you’re not alone. Low self-confidence impacts all of us at different points in our lives. One of the things that held me back from pursuing my dreams for many years was a fear of failure and the lack of self-confidence that I needed to overcome that fear. To some degree, it’s something we all face during different times of our lives. The key question is: How do we overcome that fear?
I say: by working on our self-confidence!!! That’s what I’ve been doing over the years, and that’s what helped me finally overcome my fears, and finally pursue my dreams without excuses or apologies.
By taking practical actions that improve your self-image and that help you see and love yourself will increase that self-confidence. I still have those fears, undoubtedly, but now I know that I can beat them and that I can break through that wall of fear and come out on the other side. I’ve done it many times now and I tell you, being self-confident fuels further success. 
 In today's episode  get the good news about self-confidence, how you can nurture it and how you can use it to energize you and make all your dreams come true. Even if you are a very confident person -- watch this episode and slip the simple but powerful tips in your back pocket for when you really need them!
 Remember YOU ARE A QUEEN! Trust your heart!
And, I know, my voice is a little funny here. It kind sounds like I have a cold, but I am happy to report I didn’t have a cold when I recorded it, haha. 
I'd love to hear if any of my strategies resonate for you -- and, of course, see what else you can add to this list.









Samba Dance Academy

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