A Gift for YOU!

"SAMBA LIFESTYLE: A Welcome Guide to the Brazilian Living" 

Free Today! 

Samba Dance

& Brazilian Lifestyle Tips 

Samba is dance, art and culture! Samba is a great way to get and be in shape and Samba is for sure a way of life.

In my free "Samba Lifestyle: A Welcome Guide to Brazilian Living!" I share with you some of my very personal philosophy of life, some delicious recipes, sparkling costumes I love and 3 tips for a "happy Samba body!"

Plus, by joining me today we will stay in touch and receive our ongoing lifestyle newsletter and news about upcoming Samba Videos here at the Academy. I can't wait to dance with you.

Click here and get the "Samba Lifestyle Guide" today for free!

Time to Sparkle, Samba Costumes

Adorning is fun and I am all about it. I feel that life is too short for us to take it too seriously! Who does not love a little glamour. In this guide I share with you three beautiful costumes that I am in love with and I explain why. I know that will inspire you to sparkle inside and out!

Brazilian Smoothie Recipes

A Samba queen needs to start the day right. I have three yummy and powerful recipes for you:  My favorite Açai Blend, an Immune Boost Green Juice and the super healthy Green Tea Power Smoothie. They are truly delicious. From my dancing kitchen to yours!

Samba = joy

Knowing what makes us happy is the first step towards living a passionate life. Here I share three questions for you to ask yourself to keep you going in the right direction in your life. Yes, if we gonna do the "Samba Cat Walk" (passarela do Samba) we better know what direction we should go!


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I am feeling like a Dancing Queen.

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